Selling to Jack Tarinton in the House Flippers Game

Note: This post is NOT sewing related … I just needed a place to host my gaming revelation!!

Selling to Jack Tarinton in House Flippers is one of the rarest achievements, partially because it was LITERALLY impossible until a short while ago. I haven’t seen a guide as to how to sell anything to him yet, so I knew I needed to write one the second my sale went through.

I used “House that is Hiding Something”. And really, you don’t have to spend almost anything on this mission. (You’ll make it all up just selling the Van Gogh in the basement anyway).


Of course clean up all the trash, dirt, and caulk all the plaster-less areas. He needs the house spotless. I found out also that while he will buy the house with the walls unpainted, giving it a coat of cheap white increases his final bid by about $10,000.


Also, add a toilet to the upstairs bathroom as it does not start with one. Don’t worry about replacing the shower – he doesn’t care about that. Also, he’s not going to show up on the side immediately, so don’t worry at first when you don’t see him.


Make sure to sell the Van Gogh in the hidden room in the basement … but more importantly in the basement:

Throw in a super cheap single bed, and put a toilet, sink, and toilet paper holder in the bathroom area. The toilet paper holder is important because without it, the area will be classified as a “toilet” instead of a “bathroom”.

Once you do that, he should pop up on the side to your #2 spot behind the family of 5:


Now, those of us that have been hunting Jack Tarinton know that a major part of what he wants is still missing. That famous “Living Room With Kitchenette”. Well, tough luck because he’s not going to get it! The second we put down ANY semblance of a kitchen, the Smoth Family jumps up to the top bid spot and doesn’t leave until you get rid of the kitchen stuff.

What is important, however, is a living room with a cheap sofa and a tv.


Put those three things in the main room, and you’ve got him!

Like I said before too, he’ll up his bid by about $10,000 if you paint the walls and throw up some curtains.


Enjoy your new achievement!
